As we rolled into the fourth week of “Rise of 100 Leaders in OAU”, all leaders practiced what had been taught in the practical communication class. An excerpt from the class extending greetings to each other even if the meeting hadn’t begun or there were some delays. The participants took up this responsibility to chat before the session. Furthermore, they discussed the day’s topic and shared their perceptions as potential leaders. Each participant also gave briefings on the highlights of the last session.

Idea generation is a process. Whatever idea you have was conceived before going through a process of actualization. The Process of Idea Generation was anchored by Miss Marvelous Ojo and Mr. Ekundayo Oluwadamilare. The participants were taken through the steps of idea generation and actualization, including conceiving, ideation, brainstorming, research, planning, skill-mapping, sourcing, and materializing your idea. Every idea is considered valid and insignificant, so writing your idea is advised. A common issue many individuals face is the fear that someone else has developed their ideas or they may get stolen. The anchor coach helped all participants understand the uniqueness of each idea regardless of how many people might have conceived the same idea. Your ideas may be the same, but your uniqueness is determined by how you carry out your conceived idea. During the session, participants were asked to look at their environment, identify a problem they would love to solve, and evaluate which phase of life they belong to according to the stages discussed

The subsequent classes were focused on the growth, development, and management of talent. Anchored by Miss Mercy-Praise Ninan and ,Mister Dotun Olaniji, the participants were enlightened on how to develop and harness their abilities to fulfill individual life’s purpose. They were also put through technical skills on how to identify their talents, put their talents to work, develop their skills, and increase their abilities beyond their current talents.

We close the coaching session for the Rise of 100 Leaders, Obafemi Awolowo University. In forthcoming weeks, participants will have exclusive sessions with leading executives of mega enterprises and leadership experts in the field.

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